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Stop and Smell the Roses

When you literally stop and smell the roses, your heart lifts, and your brain and body give you feel-good signals that help shift the rest of your day. Where are the roses for you? Here's a photo of my neighbors'…

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The Gold Light. A Grounding, Refreshing Visualization

The Gold Light. A Grounding, Refreshing Visualization

  • Stretch and yawn, show your fillings, make an ahhh! sound. Spend some time feeling the goodness from the stretch and yawn. This is already breaking the “trance” of busyness, critical voices, etc. It’s…
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An Attachment Practice of Co-regulation of Partners

An Attachment Practice of Co-regulation of Partners

We are biologically wired as mammals to turn to our primary attachment person when we are overwhelmed. Here is a healthy way for partners to expedite this process:

  • In a calm moment, on…
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"It Takes A Village" Resourcing Visualization

"It Takes A Village" Resourcing Visualization 
by Kathleen Dunbar, MFT #39880, Certified Hakomi Therapist

How to Create Your Mobile Village Circle! 

This is a nourishing experience for clients, therapists, and all of us humans! 

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place
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